Instrument Calibration for CLP Methods
The Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) was created to support the US EPA’s Superfund program under legislative acts called the 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). Spex calibration products for CLP programs may be used separately or mixed together for preparation of the analytical curve. When mixed, these solutions will yield a standard containing all of the elements in the Target Analyte List (TAL).
US EPA Semivolatiles Brochure
ICP Analytes B1, 125 mL in 5% HNO3
ICP Analytes B3, 125 mL in 5% HNO3/tr. Tartaric Acid/tr. HF
ICP Interferents A1, 500 mL in 5% HNO3
ICP-MS Analytes B1, 125 mL in 2% HNO3